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Raychel Silverlake

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Raychel Silverlake Empty Raychel Silverlake

Post  Araska Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:44 pm

Name: Raychel Silverlake

Title: Frozen Huntress

Age: 21

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130

Gym City and Region: Tayoo Elite 4

Gym Type: Ice

Pokemon Used:
Cloyster ♂ 55 (Skill Link)
Glaile ♂ 55 (Ice Body)
Dewgong ♀ 56 (Thick Fat)
Abomasnow ♂ 57 (Snow Warning)
Weavile ♀ 57 (Pressure)
Froslass ♀ 58 (Snow Cloak)
Glaceon ♂ (Shiny) 59 (Snow Cloak)
Garm ♂ 60 (Pressure)

Moves Known:
Cloyster: Withdraw | Aurora Beam | Spike Cannon | Icicle Spear | Brine | Explosion
Glaile: Sheer Cold | Hail | Blizzard | Ice Beam | Icy Wind | Ice Fang
Dewgong: Stockpile | Swallow | Spit Up | Brine | Blizzard | Ice Beam |
Abomasnow: Focus Blast | Energy Ball | Icy Wind | Giga Drain | Solarbeam | Earthquake
Weavile: Night Slash | Metal Claw | Faint Attack | Ice Punch | Double Team | Swords Dance
Froslass: Double Team | Destiny Bond | Ominous Wind | Hail | Blizzard | Thunder
Glaceon: Shadow Ball | Fake Tears | Blizzard | Mirror Coat | Ice Beam | (Ice Type) Trump Card
Garm: Dragon Dance | Dragon Rush | Outrage | Ice Punch | Frozen Blitz | Sheer Cold (Higher Accuracy [45], Less PP [2])

Personality: Raychel is rather vicious in battles, and never holds back a bit. While she isn't necessarily mean, she is really hard on her Pokemon. But she knows that if it wasn't for her way of doing things, that neither her or Pokemon would be where they were. This attitude brings her a semblance of respect from Pokemon.

History: Raychel got to her position by simply being the best. She aspired to be a gym leader at first, as a child. But once she realized that there were few better than her, if any, she went forth to seal her place as an Elite.

Appearance (Pic Related, it's Raychel's Garm):
Raychel Silverlake Ice_dragon_by_garun

Posts : 56
Join date : 2010-04-26
Age : 33
Location : (I'm the melody stuck in your head.)


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