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Xakkery Chevalier, Rookie Trainer

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Xakkery Chevalier, Rookie Trainer Empty Xakkery Chevalier, Rookie Trainer

Post  Xakkery Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:44 pm

Name: Xakkery Chevalier

Age: 13

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 147 lbs.

Hair Color: Blond

Eye Color: Hazel

Starting Region: Tayoo

Starter Pokemon: Ptropa♂

Team of Pokemon: Ptropa Lv5-Tackle, Tail Whip

Xakkery Chevalier, Rookie Trainer Xakk11

Personality: An eager young man who has a passion for Pokemon. He appears older than he is, due to his height. Xakk has a special bond with his Ptropa and his twin sister, Claire. His Ptropa is the offspring of his father's Tropius and mother's Meganium who happened to hatch the moment Xakk was born.

History: Xakkery was born the moment Ptropa hatched from his shell. It seemed like fate that they came into the world on the same day and were introduced to each other almost immediately. They became great friends and have remained that way ever since. Aside from the bond he shares with his Pokemon, Xakk is also very close to his "little" sister Claire. He's very protective of her, which ends up stressing him out a lot, considering her confrontational and competitive personality. This has led to him being kind of an outcast at school, considering he's had to save Claire from just about everyone there. Recently Xakk has decided to set out on his own Pokemon journey with his sister Claire.

Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-04-26

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