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Night's Leaves

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Night's Leaves Empty Night's Leaves

Post  riley Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:20 pm

Name: Nileaf (coming from Night and Leaf) Pronounced: Nih-Leaf

Title: Shadow Leaf Pokemon

Type(s): Dark Plant

Height: 4'

Weight: 90lbs (much from the vines/tentacles...)

Color Category: very dark green... ??

Ability: Overgrow (what Bulbasaur has) Explanation: When a Pokémon with Overgrow uses a Grass-type move, it will do 150% of its damage if the user has less than or equal to 33% of its maximum HP remaining.

Moves Learned: at it's evolution level, 20, it can have learned; absorb, grass knot, bide, taunt, thief, snatch, Growl, and bind.
at level 23 it can add shadow Vine
at level 25 it can add Magical Leaf
at level 28 it can add wrap
at level 32 it can add Frenzy plant
at level 36 it can add Needle Arm
At level 39 it can add Mega drain
At level 40 it evolves.

TM(s) / HM(s) Available: TMs; Grass- Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed, and Grass Knot
Dark- Payback, Fling, Taunt, payback, and Snatch

HM/s: Cut

Description/Image: Night's Leaves DSC02060

Evolves From: Niseed https://pokemastersrpg.rpg-board.net/pokemon-creation-f7/niseed-not-done-t48.htm

Evolves Into: Nitree. Nileaf must have mated at least once in the wild and must have at least a mile of vines (put all together) in order to evolve. In captivity, it must reach level 40 and have won in 20 battles, without fainting.

Pokedex Entry: Nileaf Is carnivorous. It eats small animals like mice by unrolling in incredibly long tendrils and waiting for something to try to take a nibble. It then snaps it up into one of the lumps on it's "arms" which hold digestive juices that break down the animals, so it is rather like a venus fly-trap. It comes out at night, hardly moving more than 3 feet away from the place where it was seeded. It lives for about 15-20 years. Nileafs are the only evolution of it's three that can mate. Nileafs mate by sending their tendrils way out into the forest (they grow very long, up to 1 mile) and producing a special scent. Other Nileafs attach onto the female or male and send spore-like things into the digestive pods. When they are mated, the females disguise them selves for 3 months and then about 200 seeds come out, floating (like milkweed and Dandelion seeds) on parachutes made from fuzzy stuff.
If two non-mate Nileafs encounter each other, it results in a vicious confrontation, not many of the 200 babies let loose survive. In fact, only about 5% of them actually continue to live on, and eventually they die, too, if they encounter a Nitree or a stronger Nileaf.

Last edited by riley on Mon May 24, 2010 3:01 am; edited 6 times in total

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Join date : 2010-04-27
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Night's Leaves Empty Re: Night's Leaves

Post  Nightkill Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:03 pm

Just a question, but are there even animals in Pokemon, who aren't Pokemon?


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Night's Leaves Empty Re: Night's Leaves

Post  Araska Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:16 pm

Nightkill wrote:Just a question, but are there even animals in Pokemon, who aren't Pokemon?
I'm pretty sure that there are not.

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Night's Leaves Empty Re: Night's Leaves

Post  riley Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:34 pm

that's why i said like mice... I dunno.. I'm making the evolutions and i have great ideas for them1 i just drew and colored them last night! Smile

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Night's Leaves Empty Re: Night's Leaves

Post  Xakkery Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:16 pm

There are. There was a big retcon after the frst game because parents got all upset that Pokemon ate Pokemon.

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Night's Leaves Empty Re: Night's Leaves

Post  riley Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:19 pm

that is actually kinda funny... XD

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Night's Leaves Empty Re: Night's Leaves

Post  riley Tue May 11, 2010 11:30 am

okay, so i am finishing the night series! (it's hard!)

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