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Kappack, The Nomad Pokemon

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Kappack, The Nomad Pokemon Empty Kappack, The Nomad Pokemon

Post  Xakkery Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:36 pm

Name: Kappack

Title: The Nomad Pokemon

Type(s): Water

Height: 4'2"

Weight: 105 lbs

Color Category: Blue

Ability: Hoarder* 50%, Rain Dish (Heals while raining) 50%

*Hoarder - This pokemon can hold two items, however at least one of them must be a consumable. If this pokemon is holding 1 normal item and 1 consumable he will only eat his berry if he is brought below 25% of his maximum hit points. If this pokemon is holding 2 consumables, the primary held consumable will be used regularly.

Moves Learned:
Water Sport(-)
Water Gun(9)
Karate Chop(12)
Defense Curl(17)
Spit Up(23)
Work Up(32)
Water Pulse(37)

TMs/HMs Available:
TM 06 Toxic
TM 07 Hail
TM 10 Hidden Power
TM 13 Ice Beam
TM 14 Blizzard
TM 17 Protect
TM 18 Rain Dance
TM 21 Frustration
TM 26 Earthquake
TM 27 Return
TM 28 Dig
TM 29 Psychic
TM 31 Brick Break
TM 32 Double Team
TM 42 Facade
TM 44 Rest
TM 45 Attract
TM 46 Thief
TM 48 Round
TM 55 Scald
TM 56 Fling
TM 78 Bulldoze
TM 87 Swagger
TM 90 Substitute
TM 94 Rock Smash
HM 03 Surf
HM 04 Strength
HM 05 Waterfall
HM 06 Dive

Kappack, The Nomad Pokemon Kappac10

Evolves From: N/A

Evolves Into: Kappakido

Pokedex Entry: "Kappack, The Nomad Pokemon. These pokemon live in large packs, with a Kappakido as their leader. When these pokemon reach the appropriate maturity they weave backpacks out of the weeds that grow in their home swamps, in which they store many items, such as rocks, berries and, branches. The exact use for these items is unknown."

Base Stats:

Hp: 50
Atk: 60
Def: 65
Sp Atk: 60
Sp Def: 65
Spd: 40

Total: 340

Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-04-26

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