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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) Empty The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:20 am

Percival woke up slinging the dark green covers off his body, and over the edge the bed. Percy turned over to the sleeping Wynaut that lay next to him in the bed. "Come on buddy wake up" he said as he playfully scrathed the head of his small pokemon. "It's time to go, the rest of our lives begin today, we are gonna be champs little buddy" he said as the Wynaut woke up with a big smile stretched across it's face, it soon yawned and got on all fours. Wyy" he let out in a high pitched tired cry.

Percy dressed out of his pajamas and slid a pitch black book bag and tossed up a couple of two very tiny Pokèballs his mother gave him. Wynaut ran up to Percy and whined, Percy bent down and allowed Wynaut to climb on his shoulder. "Sorry buddy I forgot" Percy said scratching his Wynaut behind the ear, making it coo happily.

Percy walked downstairs to his living room, it was empty expected so it was early. Percival had said his goodbyes last night and was already expected to be gone. "Let's go" he said looking at his Wynaut and walked out of his house, turning quickly to the way, he had been outside of Inari village a few times, and already had a small knowledge of the outside world. "I wonder who we will meet out there." Percy said with a grin as he broke out in a light jog.


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Post  Araska Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:53 am

Araska pushed a large clump of tall grass aside as he walked from it into a clearing, a small Riolu following him. "Good job little guy, we'll be on top in no time if you continue as well as you have. And I'm sure that you will", Araska said to his Pokemon. The Riolu looked up at him and looked as though he had a smirk on his face. 'Rii.. ya. Chan.. peeons!' the small Pokemon sent back to Araska. Araska laughed at the Pokemon's childish demeanor. It's telepathy hadn't developed well at all yet, so he sounded like a young child. The Riolu formed a small ball of energy and made it hover in front of him. It shook violently, before disappearing. He looked disappointed, as Araska patted him on the head. "Dont worry buddy. We haven't been at this long. We just need more practice."

Araska looked to the sky, which had started to get brighter. Him and his Pokemon had been up since earlier than he cared to know, training. "Ok, it's morning, so there will be more Pokemon active now. So we'll do a little more practice, and then we will be done for the day, until night, well, if you would want to keep at it then, anyway." The Riolu nodded, but looked back towards the nearby town. "Huh? Do you want to rest a bit?" Araska said, as he followed Riolu's eyes to see another trainer jogging their way. "Oh, maybe we shouldn't let him see us, he'll probably want to battle.." he said, and took a small step back. But Riolu looked back at Araska, then back to the other trainer, unmoving. 'Rio.. stay.' Araska shrugged in agreement, by now the other trainer had surely seen them anyway.

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Post  VivaLaCult Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:13 pm

Percy stopped jogging at the sight of the new trainer he saw. Percival clinched his gloved fist. "Should we challenge them bud." he said looking at Wynaut, who then yawned. "Or we could wait to see if they do." he said nodding at wynaut and then walking up to the trainer. "Hi, I am Percival, a new trainer." he said extending his hand to Araska.


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Post  riley Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:36 pm

Neya scrambled up the little slope, grabbing Meowth by a paw and pulling her up after.
"Okay, hon, where to?" she asked, flicking her red hair out of her face and surveying the area. Meowth tugged on her jeans with a claw and poked a paw at the two trainers near the tall grass.
"Maow!" Meowth yowled, running off. Neya laughed and took off after her best friend.

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Post  VivaLaCult Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:41 pm

Percy's concentration was broke from offering a handshake to look over at the newest person to approach. Percy looked up at his Wynaut which had a big grin on it's face. Percy reached up and scratched the back of it's head. "That's two and we haven't even left town yet." he said to his Wynaut. "Wyy....naut." he said with bubbling joy.

Last edited by VivaLaCult on Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  riley Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:46 pm

"Hi, sorry, Meowth here decided to see you!" Neya said a little out of breath, she laughed, smiling at the stranger and holding out her hand. "I'm Neya, by the way." she said. "and this is my Meowth," She laughed as meowth sat on her hindquarters and held out her paw for Wynaut to shake. "She likes your Pokemon, that's a wynaut, right?"

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  Araska Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:17 pm

Araska grabbed the mans hand and gave is a light shake. "I'm Araska, and I guess you could say that we are new trainers as well..." Riolu gave a wave to the boy and his Pokemon. He looked over an continued the wave, and Araska looked over to see the other trainer walking to them. "Oh, hey", Araska quietly said to the girl as she got to him and Percy.

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Post  VivaLaCult Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:52 pm

Percy smiled as he put his hands on the back of his head, and Wynaut chirped slightly, but stayed on Percy's shoulder. "He rarely leaves that shoulder, don't take it personally" he said looking down at the Meowth, but really addressing the new trainer. "Wyyy." he called with a big smile.


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Post  riley Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:42 pm

"I see!" Neya picked up Meowth and poked her on the nose, a gentile, friendly poke. Meowth sneezed. "Mrrow!" she mewed indignantly.
"Oh, you silly sneezeball!" Neya scratched Meowth's ears, a purr emanated from her friend's throat. "Yeah? Are you a sneezeball?" Neya laughed and set Meowth down. "So What's Your name? You never said, I guess... Araska, was it? was here first! Aren't you just popular today!" She said the last part to the Wynaut, who was grinning. She looked at Percy and then to Wynaut. Neya held her hand out to the Wynaut to shake or just to sniff.

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Post  Araska Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:25 am

"Yeah, that's right..." Araska nodded at the sound of his name. Riolu continued to wave happily. "I'm Rio!" he projected to everyone telepathically. He sounded very childlike, and gave a big grin as he waved. "h..hai.. Persy... and Neya!"

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Post  VivaLaCult Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:22 am

Wynaut leaned forward and shook the hand with his ear, he wasn't sure what he was doing only copying the movement Percy had done to the new trainer. "So I assume you are all starting your journey, what do ya say we have a three way battle." Percy said patting the head of his Wynaut.


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Post  riley Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:57 pm

Neya waved at the Riolu and laughed when the Wynaut shook her hand with it's ear, she had forgotten it's lack of hands. Her eyes brightened at the word battle, but she frowned suddenly, What if I make a fool of myself? she thought, I don't want to look like an idiot... Meowth tugged at her jeans, "Maow?" She asked, jumping up and down. She obviously wanted to fight.
"Okay, Lets battle, but don't be surprised if we lose..." She said to Meowth, and only partially to Percy and Araska.

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Post  Araska Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:13 pm

'Rio will play!' the Riolu sent out happily. He stretched out his arms and legs, limbering up for the fight. "Heh, you heard the little guy" Araska said, almost inaudibly due to the nervousness he could tell was in his voice.

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Post  riley Sat May 01, 2010 12:38 am

"Mraow!" Meowth stretched in the way that cats do, sticking her rump in the air and stretching out her forelegs. Neya laughed and picked her up, giving meowth a kiss on the nose.
"Okay, hon, let's go!" Neya said, "You all ready?" she directed this at the trainers and their Pokemon.
I gotta win this! she thought, determination hardening her gaze.

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Post  Nightkill Sat May 01, 2010 1:32 am

(I'm gonna join as a wild pokemon. Charmander, if you care to know. Who wants to catch me? Viva said this was ok.)


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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  riley Sat May 01, 2010 11:33 am

((OOH< MEEE! Then i can make you my bitch here, too!)) cat

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Sat May 01, 2010 12:30 pm

(Um first let us battle, then the Charmander is mine, because he is one of my party members.)

"They have no confidence in their own ability this should be easy" Percy said as Wynaut prepared for battle himself. Wynaut hopped off of Percival's arm and stood on the soft grass, that was still damp from the early morning dew. "Wyyy" he said as he waited for another Pokèmon to make a move, the classic Wynaut style.


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Post  riley Sat May 01, 2010 2:58 pm

(oh, fine! How exactly are we going to stage this battle??)

Neya put Meowth down. "Meowth, use scratch!" she said. Meowth extended her claws and ran at the Wynaut, scoring marks down it's side. Meowth then sheathed her claws and dashed back to Neya who was the Riolu intently, trying to anticipate what move it would make.
34 pp left on scratch... Neya thought, I hope this battle doesn't last long enough that i run out!

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Sat May 01, 2010 3:24 pm

(You claimed a hit, just like in SHRPG that is illegal, luckily my Wynaut would have taken t anyway, but I will post as if you gave me time to react. Razz)

"Quick Wynaut use Bide" Percival called out when the Meowth extended it's claws and lunged at the small Pokèmon. At this command Wynaut began to glow red, just as the claws struck his body. [color=black]That should get us started nicely.[color] he thought as he kept a close eye on his Wynaut to make sure he was okay, as if Wynaut knew what he was doing he turned and nodded at Percy.

(Also are we playing that don't know what each others moves are like you don't know what Bide does, or are we pretty well informed, unfortunately Scratch is kinda straight forward.)


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Post  Nightkill Sat May 01, 2010 3:29 pm

(Riley, you get Charmander, Viva doesn't want it anymore.)


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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  Araska Sat May 01, 2010 9:35 pm

((Nightkill, please don't post OOC comments that could easily be said in a PM to someone))

"Rio, listen." Araska's command told Riolu to start using his telepathy on Araska. 'Ok, don't do anything to Wynaut, cause that move he used will just soak up damage, then deal a lot more than that back to you in a while. Lets focus on the Meowth for now. Use an Aura Sphere.' 'K!' Araska gave a small grin, he liked the advantage he had. Between his knowledge from working at a Pokemart and being having to not directly voice his commands aloud, he started to feel pretty confident. Riolu held his palms like he was holding an invisible basketball. Between them, a small ball of blue energy formed, which he then sent at the Meouth with a small punch.

((Aura Sphere's actual ability is 'Cannot Miss', but I'll let that slide as at early levels that would be kinda OP.
Wont be to active tonight, playing some Tri. Rub that in Slam's face a bit))

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Post  riley Sun May 02, 2010 10:06 am

Meoth's tail shot up in the air and her fur bristled. She jumped up in the air with a screech and was bowled over by it hitting her paws. She stood up and shook herself, licking down her chest fur.
"Use growl on riolu," Neya growled to her Meowth who had keen hearing so it was not hard for her to pick out her master's command. Meowth looked over at Riolu and purred, making her eyes big and sweet.

((surprisingly that is how i've always pictured growl cuz it makes that cute-sounding trill in the games...))

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Post  Araska Sun May 02, 2010 9:41 pm

'Ok, it seems that the Wynaut is still just biding... Do as you will.' Riolu prepared another Aura Sphere, but seemed taken aback a bit by the Meowth's expression. 'Dont let her get to Riolu.' The small Pokèmon looked up at Araska and gave a faint, disheartened nod of it's head, throwing another Aura Sphere at the Meowth, though much weaker this time, the ball acting sporadic and shaky.

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Post  VivaLaCult Sun May 02, 2010 10:18 pm

Percy got close to his Wynaut, a risky move in a Pokèmon battle, but it seemed that Araska had an advantage that Percy needed too, the element of surprise. "Okay Wynaut, we have to change it up a bit, the next time you see an attack, I want to to move into it, but don't hurt yourself to bad buddy." he whispered very quietly out of ear shot. Wynaut nodded assuredly, he trusted Percy, and was used to fighting defensively.


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Post  riley Mon May 03, 2010 8:37 pm

Mowth was ready this time and she ducked, feeling the wind off of the ball of energy ruffle her fur. She leaped back up once the energy had passed and hissed. Her claws went out, but Neya shook her head and nodded at the Wynaut, who was still grinning, but listening to what it's trainer was mumbling to it.
"Can you hear them?" Neya asked, stepping a little closer, but not much, it was not a smart thing to do to get close to a Pokemon in battle. Meowth shook her head and angled her ears, but a look of frustration came upon her kitty face.
"Grraow!" she growled, looking to her trainer to say what to do next.
"Well, then just Scratch Riolu, okay, sweetie?" Neya sighed and Meowth charged Riolu, her claws out and ready.

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