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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  Araska Mon May 03, 2010 9:05 pm

Riolu stepped back and held out his hands, his palms facing himself. The small bands of metal on the backs of his hands absorbed a part of the damage, but not all. He stepped back, shacking his hands. 'Oww..' 'You alright?' The Riolu nodded, and looked over at the Wynaut. He tried to use his telepathy on the trainer or Pokèmon, but couldn't. 'I don't know what they are trying, but I suppose that they changed their strategy. Use a Sphere on that Wynaut. They might think that we are just disregarding them at this point, so take it by surprise.' Riolu nodded and formed another attack, thrusting his palm into it to send it flying at the little Wynaut.

((And I just have to say sorry Riley, I didn't notice a good part of the earlier posts (maybe my internet just didn't load them, but I doubt that. And I seriously read all of them), most importantly the part that Viva said that as starters that we shouldn't just know the moves. His exact example was Bide, the first thing I did in the RP? Recognize Bide and go into the fight accordingly. So I apologize for not reading all of the posts and doing that.))

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Mon May 03, 2010 10:42 pm

For the first time in the Fight Wynaut moved, he began to move towards Riolu's attack, but noticed it's direction, and instead gritted it's teeth for the impact, it hit, and all of it was absorbed into Bide, Wynaut was almost ready to unleash the pent up attack. Percy smiled and balled his fist, his Wynaut was tough and he knew it, he was ready for this battle, and he had a shot at winning.


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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  riley Tue May 04, 2010 7:51 pm

Neya looked at the wynaut, shocked.
How did it do that? she questioned silently, studying it more carefully. Meowth looked at her trainer, ready for her next command.
"mraow?" she mewed questioningly. Neya tore her eyes away from the grinning pokemon and smiled reassuringly at Meowth.
"Okay," Neya murmured, "Scratch Riolu again, okay?" Meowth nodded and charged Riolu once again, her claws were extended still from the last attack.

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Post  Araska Tue May 04, 2010 9:50 pm

'Ok, Riolu, try your best to deflect this attack, and as soon as you can, counter with a Sphere. If you cant deflect it, don't worry to much, just be sure to strike back quickly.' Riolu nodded, and twisted his torso slightly. As the Meowth approached, Riolu twisted his body and struck out with the backs of his palms, the small plate of metal on the back striking Meowth's claws, and knocked its hands aside. Riolu let his momentum spin his body around, charging a small ball of aura, and sent it flying at Meowth as he turned back toward it.

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Tue May 04, 2010 10:17 pm

The Wynaut moved forward with surprising speed, it charged in front of Riolu's blast and took the sphere to the side, the force causing it to flip over the Meowth, however it landed on it's four small feet. As Wynaut his the ground his eyes were already glowing white, all the damage he took was about to recoil, and Meowth was right next to it. Wynaut began to vibrate quickly as it jumped at Meowth all of the energy it absorbed was shot at the unsuspecting Meowth.


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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  riley Sun May 09, 2010 7:37 pm

Meowth yowled as she was bowled over by the Wynaut. She Lay on the ground in a faint, and as Neya picked her up, her tail only twitched.
"kay, faint, sorry i can't battle that well..." Neya said. She opened her pokeball and Meowth was put inside.

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  Araska Mon May 10, 2010 1:19 am

Araska grinned slightly, happy that he was one step closer to winning. Riolu held out his hands as if he was holding a ball, then twisted the 'ball' in his hands, bringing one palm above the other, and gave a small bow, a small honorary gesture he gave to those that were defeated, to Neya and her Pokèmon. Araska also gave a small nod to her, adding 'That was a good fight. Good job.' He then felt Riolu's presence in his thoughts. 'But thats not the end of the fight. You've done good so far Rio. But I have to be honest, I dont know what we can do against this Wynaut. Do what you wish, and I'll keep watch, if I see an opening for something, I'll let you know.' Riolu looked back at him and nodded, with a small, cheeky grin of his own. 'Okays. Do'n' worry, I got 'dis. ', the small pokemon sent to him, and threw a Aura Sphere at Wynaut, hoping it's defenses hadn't came back up.

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  riley Mon May 10, 2010 10:32 pm

"Not really..." Neya grumbled, annoyed that she had lost so quickly. She sat on a tussock of grass, and settled down to watch the battle between the two other trainers.

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Wed May 12, 2010 12:08 am

Wynaut began to glow, but not quite in time, the aura sphere struck the small Pokèmon in the side, causing it to spiral through the air. The Wyanut winced but stood to it's feet. "Don't give up Wynaut, you go this" Perry yelled as Wynaut's smile returned.


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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  Araska Wed May 12, 2010 5:48 am

Araska watched as the Pokèmon's glow started again, and grinned. "Rio, now! It's probably not going to be able to use all of it's power before it faints!" Riolu nodded and threw another Aura Sphere in Wynaut's direction.

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Wed May 12, 2010 8:15 am

"Wynaut, you can do it, fight through it. Take this hit then use Charm lower the Riolu's attack again" Perry called out as the aura sphere struck Wynaut causing him to slide back and wince again, but the grin never left his face. Wynaut then bega n to dance and sway trying to harshly lower Riolu's attack again.


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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  Araska Wed May 12, 2010 11:24 pm

Riolu began charging another attack, but the charging slowed to a stop as he watched the Wynaut, and the sphere faded entirely. "Rio!" The Pokèmon shook it's head and quickly shot of an attack, however, the sphere was rather small and visibly shaky as it traveled. Riolu gave a small growl and closed it's eyes for a moment. Im sorry... 'It's ok, just try not to let it get to you like that so easy..'

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Thu May 13, 2010 8:13 am

The sphere hit the Wynaut again, but this time Wynaut's recoil was considerably lower given the weaker attack by Riolu. "Come on Wynaut, this guy is strong, but one more attack and then you need to release okay bud." Perry yelled as he was filled with adrenaline.

(I am picturing a draw here, what do you think?)


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Post  Araska Thu May 13, 2010 2:40 pm

Riolu sent out another attack, still rather weak. 'Ok Rio, his next attack is going to be hard. be prepared to Endure it.' Riolu nodded, and as the attack traveled to his target, Riolu watched for the slightest hint of forward movement, preparing to defend himself.

((Yeah, I would say so. Cause I can see it now, Endure, Charm, weak AS, Bide, AS AS AS, Bide, Endure, Charm.......))

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Sun May 16, 2010 12:00 pm

Wynaut was still glowing as he moved towards Riolu trying desperately to end this fight, by releasing this Bide. Wynaut was still smiling as he always did but his ferocity could be easily felt, he wasn't about to give up on this fight.


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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  Araska Sun May 16, 2010 9:26 pm

Riolu crossed his arms in front of him, wincing as the Wynaut plowed into him. He flashed blue as he tumbled back, landing on his stomach. He looked up and started to lift himself with one arm, holding the other to the air as a Sphere started to form in his hand. "Rio, hold off." The Pokèmon nodded, and forced itself onto it's feet. Araska looked between the Wynaut and it's trainer, and walked up to him with an extended hand. "If you don't mind, I would like to declare a draw." As Araska moved, Riolu ran over to the other trainer who was watching. 'ey, hows your Meo..ew... Pokèmon?'

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  riley Tue May 18, 2010 2:26 am

"She'll be fine, I'm just going to have to go to a PC," Neya replied, smiling at the Riolu. "Thanks for asking." Neya stood and dusted herself off. Grabbing her pack and her meowth's pokeball she smiled and waved to the trainers and their pokemon.
"See you around!" she called out, starting away for the town so she could heal and get on with her journey.

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The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Journey Begins (The first two people to join are in my group)

Post  VivaLaCult Thu May 20, 2010 8:11 am

Percival smiled, he couldn't help to hide his pride from the other trainer and the other Pokèmon. "Thank you for thta battle, it was the best I have ever had, your Riolu is really strong, he is going to be a fearsome partner along the way. So what do you say we take the path to the Pokèmaster together, we could test our progress along the way. he said with a grin as Wynaut climbed up on his shoulder.


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